About Me

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I am the child of opposites. My father was the son of poor Jewish immigrants to America and my mother was the daughter of a German military officer who died in World War 2.

My story, on a cellular level, is about the power of love to overcome deep divides. I am naturally drawn to see storytelling through contrast as a fundamental way to apprehend the world. Working as an editor and a filmmaker, I’ve learned to see the clash of drama, in life and in stories, not as a cause for despair, but a spur to building bridges over the divide. To be embraced.

The creative work I am most proud of builds on this worldview, through comedy and craftsmanship, to tell stories that inspire audiences, and especially young audiences, to reach across to the Other and find common ground.

With different collaborators, in different formats, and with changing technologies, this is my life's work.